Saturday 10 March 2012

Written In The Star...YuNA

Mula2 dga lagu nie mmg serius xsuka x mcm menyampah pun ade sbb suara Yuna sndiri da bunyi mcm pelik dlm lagu nie. Tp tue la kan, org kata jgn benci sgt, nnti tersangkut! Dah mmg betul pun aku dah tersangkut ngn lagu nie. Lama2 dga mcm sweet la pulak...

Sunday 25 December 2011

Hlovate’s Quotes

Sekadar berkongsi beberapa quotes from my favourite writer, Hlovate. Not just a normal lovy dovey novel story, all her masterpiece was superb and inspiring. Beliau mampu menyampaikan cerita dan pandangan dari kaca mata seorang muslim yang sentiasa ingin merubah diri ke arah yang lebih baik. Just mention here some of her great masterpieces: 5tahun 5bulan, Aa+Bb,Tunas, Versus, Rooftop rant, and the latest, Contengan Jalanan.

Those are some quotes that i’ve took from his story:

“Selagi hidup bersama masa, maka selagi itu juga yang hidup itu dewasa bersama usia.”
Hlovate, Tunas

“Everybody know death is inevitably coming, but it never fails to catch everybody by surprise everytime one is going”
Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“The man that decided to change on the 12th hours died at the 11th.”

Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“Kalau ada kemahuan dan usaha, 'halangan' tu adalah satu perkataan yang tak ada makna apa-apa”

Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“To hate others is ugly.
To hate yourself is uglier.”
Hlovate, Rooftop Rant

“We're on the same boat but in different cabin”
Hlovate, Rooftop Rant

“Live the moment. Cherish the present. Anticipate the future. Frame the yesteryear”
Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“Sama juga kalau untuk contoh lelaki. Kalau baca Al - Quran hari-hari, tapi main bola nampak kepala lutut,tak cukup balik lagi.Atau kalau solat lima waktu sehari semalam tapi pegang tangan anak dara orang bukan mahram sesuka hati, tu belum cukup baik lagi.”
Hlovate, Versus

“To live is learn, and to learn is to live. Live. Learn.”
Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“don't trouble the trouble if you don't want the trouble to trouble you.”

“My books are my staple diet. As serious as insulin doses for those who are diabetics!”
Hlovate, 5 tahun 5 bulan

“You'll never reach perfection because there's always room for improvement. Yet get along the way to perfection, you'll learn to get better.”
Hlovate, Versus

"start a day with a sumthing sweet and end the day with sumthing sweeter"
"Everybody has a past.Everybody lives a present.And Everybody deserves a future.”
― Hlovate

“There're times when strangers are like family, and family are like strangers”

“Hidup hanya ada erti pada yang bahagia.”

Hlovate, Contengan Jalanan

“Live is short. Make it sweet”
- Hlovate

Saturday 24 December 2011

Jom Karok Ramai2!!

A is for Allah Lyrics

Alif Alif Aa’ is for Allah, nothing but Allah;

Ba Ba Ba’ is the beginning ofBismillah;

Ta Ta Ta is forTaqwa, bewaring of Allah;

Tha Tha and Tha is for Thawab, a reward;

Jim Jim Ja is for Janna, the Garden of Paradise;

Ha Ha Ha is for Hajj, the blessed pilgrimage;

Kha Kha Kha is for Khaatem, the seal of the prophethood given to the Prophet, Muhammed ( SAW);

Dal Dal Da is for Deen, Al-Islam, religion with Allah since time began;

Dhal Dhal Dha is for dhikr, remembering Allah;

Ra Ra and Ra is for the month of Ramadhan, ohh Ramadhan;

Zayn Zayn Za is for Zakat to pure our greed, when we give our money to those in need;

Sin Sin Sa is for Salamu alaikum, peace be with you wa’alaikum assalam;

Shin Shin Sha is for shams, the shining sun, which Allah placed for everyone;

Sad Sad and Sua is for salat, for when we pray facing him, everyday, facing him, till we meet our lord;

Allah there’s only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;

Dhad Dhad Dua is for duha, the morning light, the sun has turned from red to white;

Taa Taa Tua is for tareeq, the path to walk upon;

Za Za and Dhua is for dhil, a shadow;and

Ayn Ayn Aa is for ilm, the thing to know, to make our knowledge grow, in Islam;

Ghayn Ghayn Gha is for ghaib, a world unseen and that we know is not a dream;

Fa Fa Fais for, the Opening, Al-Fatiha;

Qaf Qaf and Qua for the Qur’an, the book of God;

Kaf Kaf and Ka is for kalima, a word we’re taught to teach us what is good and what is not;

Lam Lam and La is for the beginning of La ilaha illa’allah;

Mim Mim Ma is for the Messenger Muhammed-ur-Rasoolillah. La ilaha illa’allah, Muhammed-ur-Rasululllah;

Allah, there’s only one God and Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, la ilaha illa’allah;

Nun Nun Na is for nawm, the sleep God gave to give us rest after the day;

Haa Haa Ha is for the Hijra, the journey that, the Prophet made;

Waw Waw and Wa for wudu before we pray to help us wash our sins away;

Ya Ya and Ya for Yawm-mid-Deen;

Allah, there’s only one God andMuhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;

Allah, there’s only one God and Jesus was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;

Allah, there’s only one God and Moses was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;
Allah, there’s only one God and
Abraham was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;
Allah, there’s only one God and
Noah was his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;
Allah, there’s only one God and he created
Adam, and we are the children of Adam. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah;
Allah, there’s only one God and
Muhammed is his Messenger. Allah, La ilaha illa’allah.